Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kim Jong Il Announces Plan To Bring Moon To North Korea

And to sum up my youtube video spree this week: A serious and worrying news video. North Korea has plans on our moon!

Kim Jong Il Announces Plan To Bring Moon To North Korea

Wall Street Fighter 4

New game trailer!
Wall Street Fighter 4:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

When labs fail to contain them...
Now you know why we have to lock these people up in universities.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hitler Slams Temasek and Ho Ching (Singapore)

Writing an essay on the reasons for the East Asian Miracle

It wasn't particularly hard. Definitely simpler than the damage maximization models I did for a zombie game.

But did they really think that a sample of two, East Asia and Latin America, could provide any theoretical insights? (Admittedly, there are 10 or 20+ development histories, but the variables and causation links far exceed the sample size.) Quine must have heard about economics when he wrote his underdetermination thesis.

Of course, if I had to defend development economics, I would say that THAT is the best that we can get, and we work with what we can get. Then again, as more developing countries fail, development economics would slowly break out of it's empirical information poverty.

On a positive note, I found out that Korea isn't south of China, it's the the north! As well as Latin America, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Turkey, Western Europe, Thailand, Vietnam, and some vague inkling of Israel.

History Caught Up With Me

ran away
on invariant lines
tangent to
the lane of time

but conjunction
mistaken as causation
to seek
the explanation

folded history
the east asian experience

onto the veil
of theoretical representations
messed up
economic abstraction
the past as the future

a pointless regression

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Redoing My Blog

Well, my last blog started to become highly technical after the first dozen posts, which coincided with some very elaborate questions from friends. This time, I shall try harder.